Did Vatican commit Cardinal sin over Wikipedia bios?
Murder, adultery, asses... nothing here about plagiarism thoughBy Register, London, 9th January 2012
The Vatican has once again declared "blessed are the freetards" by justifying the appointment of 22 new cardinals with a raft of backup material culled from Wikipedia.
The Holy See's press department not only lifted biographical details on the latest crop of "princes of the Church" from the online fact bazaar for a press release, but didn't even bother to name the source, and simply reproduced them verbatim, The Daily Telegraph reports.
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On the same shelf:- "Dolan Elevated As Pope Names New Cardinals." The New York Times. (January 7, 2012 Saturday) --[...named 22 new cardinals on Friday, including Archbishop Timothy M. Dolan of New York, in a set of appointments that reflected the pope's reliance on Italians and Vatican insiders at a time when the church's population base has shifted to the Southern Hemisphere. ...] and here: Another Step Up for a Bronx Native Who Led the Archdiocese in Baltimore
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