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Saturday, December 25, 2010

Wikileaks: Libraries and librarians respond

Dec 6th, 2010 | By jshrubsole, Saskatchewan Library Association
It’s hard to ignore. The news is full of information about Wikileaks and leaked documents. So what has been the response by libraries and librarians?

Some library blogs merely re-report the news (like Law Librarian), but those librarians who personally comment on the issue are as divided as all other people in society.

On the same shelf:
  • Wikileaks: Where the Hole is Big Enough to Drive a Truck Through, The Other Librarian
  • Library of Congress to block WikiLeaks Most library blogs, however, report and comment on this action.
  • The official Library of Congress blog explains why they are blocking WikiLeaks
  • Thursday, November 25, 2010

    Tim Berners-Lee says Facebook 'threatens' web future

    Media monitoring on Tim Berners-Lee's remarks on the closed Web (as against his vision of an open web) based on his Scientific American essay:

    "# Threats to the Internet, such as companies or governments that interfere with or snoop on Internet traffic, compromise basic human network rights.
    # Web applications, linked data and other future Web technologies will flourish only if we protect the medium’s basic principles."
  • Long Live the Web: A Call for Continued Open Standards and Neutrality, By Tim Berners-Lee Nov 22, 2010, Scientific American
  • Web Science: Studying the Internet to Protect Our Future, By Nigel Shadbolt and Tim Berners-Lee Sep 15, 2008Scientific American
    "The relentless rise in Web pages and links is creating emergent properties, from social networking to virtual identity theft, that are transforming society."
  • Web founder leaves his mark on Facebook’s wall Financial Times - Richard Waters, November 24 2010
  • Web icon says Facebook is a trap, Indian Express, Nov 24 2010
    In an essay published in Scientific American, Berners-Lee said that the Web is affected by elements that have ‘begun to chip away at its founding principles’, reports the Sydney Morning Herald.
    Social networking sites that do not allow users to extract the information they put into them is a ‘problem’ that could mean the web is ‘broken into fragmented islands’, he said.
    Although Facebook recently began allowing users to download profile information, including status updates and photos, it has been roundly criticised for leaving users'' networks of contacts ‘walled’ inside its own site.
  • Tim Berners-Lee Criticizes Web Leaderss, PC World - Nancy Gohring - ‎Nov 23, 2010‎
    The essay criticizes an array of companies including Apple, Facebook, Verizon, Google, and generally, ISPs (Internet service providers), for actions that he says could significantly hamper the potential of the Web.
  • Creator of the Web calls for continued open Web, Washington Post (blog) - Melissa Bell - ‎Nov 22, 2010‎
  • Berners-Lee warns web success may 'fragment' internet
    ‎Financial Times - Joseph Menn - Chris Nuttall, November 20 2010
  • Facebook might divide web: Web Founder Sir Tim Berners-Lee, French Tribune - Brenda McGregor, 11/22/2010
  • Sunday, August 01, 2010

    Facebook Q&A Update: Sorry, we're not ready for you just yet

    News maker @ FB Blog: Searching for Answers? Ask Facebook Questions
    by Blake Ross on Wednesday, July 28, 2010 at 4:09pm
    Millions of people ask their friends questions on Facebook every day. What new music should I listen to? Where's the best sushi place in town? How do I learn to play the piano?

    Today we're introducing Facebook Questions, a beta product that lets you pose questions like these to the Facebook community. With this new application, you can get a broader set of answers and learn valuable information from people knowledgeable on a range of topics.

    Since we like to develop products carefully over time with your help, Facebook Questions is available to a limited number of people right now, and we'll be developing it rapidly based on their feedback. We're aiming to bring this product to all of you as quickly as we can.

    But, Beta is only in news
    "We can't wait to show you what Facebook Questions has to offer but unfortunately we're not ready for you just yet. Look for Questions on your homepage in the near future.
    In the meantime, click the image on the right to see what a question page will look like." Facebook.

    info courtesy:
  • News: How Facebook Handles Questions Could Play Key Role in Future Search Habits,
  • image from Sociolatte: Facebook Questions
  • Thursday, July 01, 2010

    Reading now: Making Knowledge Visible

    Communicating Knowledge Through Information Products, by Elizabeth Orna, The Gower Developments in Business Series, Gower, 2005, 212 pp. ISBN-10: 0566085631. [Dewey Class No.: 658.4'038 / Library of Congress Classification: HD30.2 .O75

    About the book:
    The only way we can make what we know visible to other people is by putting it into Information Products – the products, in any medium, where users meet the information they need, and gain access to the knowledge of others.

    Without them, little business would get done inside organizations or between them and the outside world. They are essential for the flow, exchange, application, and preservation of information and knowledge.

    This is the first book to make the case for the proper recognition of information products by organizations. It shows how they should support business objectives and processes and be incorporated into information strategy and information architecture; illustrates the value they can both add and subtract; identifies the full range of stakeholders in them; and argues that a triple alliance of information management, information systems/IT, and information design is critical for successful information products.

    Stories from real life illustrate every step of the argument. The final part of the book demonstrates how an actual organization used information auditing as a tool to develop a strategic information product for an important user community.

    Contents: Foreword. Part 1 Basic Ideas: Before we begin; No business without information products. Part 2 Information Products in the Organisational Context: Introduction - The context of information products; The business of the organisation; The value that IPs add (and subtract); The stakeholders and their interests. Part 3 In Support of IPs; Introduction; Knowledge and information management in support of IPs; Infrastructure for IPs: information systems, technology tools; Information design, reconciler of conflicting constraints. Part 4 Action for IP Value - a Practical Process: Introduction; An information auditing approach; Making a start; Auditing information products; Into action for value from IPs; Index.

    About the Author: Elizabeth Orna is the author of Practical Information Policies (Ed2,1999) and Information Strategy in Practice (2004), and co-author with Charles Pettitt of Information Management in Museums (1998), all published by Gower. Described by a reviewer as 'too good to be a guru', she is a an information consultant and writer well known for her extraordinary insight and lucidity. She lectures internationally on information management and information presentation.

    Reviews: 'This book is aimed at information and systems analysts and managers, web designers, communication specialists, plus teachers and students of business management. I think librarians, project managers, and business consultants would also have a lot to learn from what she has to say.' Mantex, August 2005
    On the Same Shelf:
  • Mapping Information Flows: A Practical Guide, Information Management Journal, Jan/Feb 2004 by Hibberd, Betty Jo, Evatt, Allison
    In her book Practical Information Policies, Elizabeth Orna states, "Experience shows that people concerned with information management have no difficulty with the concept [of information mapping], or with deriving knowledge and information needs from the objectives of their own organizations. And it usually takes no more than a few hours to produce the answers."

    While many information professionals faced with the task would no doubt disagree with her assessment of the time involved, they consider mapping information flows important as a framework for analyzing how information moves within an organization and for understanding the services necessary to match the true needs of their clients.

    Orna further notes, "...information flows are helpful in disentangling the reality from strings of words" and says she considers information mapping a method to "visualiz[e] the immediate and wider organizational context and the Outside world'...." In other words, the outcome of this process produces a deeper understanding of the organization that enables a more direct link to key stakeholders. This can be especially important if the IRC reports to non-information functions within the organization.
  • The high cost of not finding information. By Susan Feldman - KMWorld, Mar 1, 2004: [Information disasters, The costs of not finding information, How successful are most searchers?, How much time is spent reworking or recreating information because it has not been located?, Finding information][citation courtesy: Bibliography on information management @ Willpower Information]
  • Monday, June 14, 2010

    GLOBAL: Seven recipes to become a top researcher

    Jüri Allik*
    13 June 2010, University World News, Issue: 128

    ...I have a couple of very good recipes à la 'Nigella Express' on how to achieve at least 600 citations in 10 years. Actually, I have even more recipes, but as a psychologist I am aware of the magical number 7, which represents the limit of human capacity to process information. This is why in the following passages I will confine myself to seven of them....

    Recipe no. 1
    You must publish five to 10 articles a year and continue to do so for 10 years in a row

    Recipe no. 2
    Always collaborate with people who are better than you.

    Recipe no. 3
    You need to publish in several different fields and especially on topics where research is intensive.

    Recipe no. 4
    Think about maximising the lifespan of your article.

    Recipe no. 5
    Don't try to do what others can do better!

    Recipe no. 6
    For your message to hit home, you need to repeat it at least six times (Tulving's Rule).

    Recipe no. 7
    What you don't do immediately, in all probability you never will (The Rule of Time).
    continue reading...

    Sunday, April 25, 2010

    Reading now: Starting and Managing an Institutional Repository

    Starting, Strengthening, and Managing Institutional Repositories: A How-To-Do-It Manual (How-to-Do-It Manuals) ~ Jonathan A. Nabe

    About the book: From planning to promoting and everything in between, this new "How-To-Do-It Manual" fills the need for a book focused on managing your institutional repository (IR). Author Jonathan Nabe covers every aspect of IR development in detail, and the book's clear and logical organization makes it valuable as a cover-to-cover read or for consulting as a reference. Following an in-depth look into IR uses, benefits, and management practices, there is start-to-finish guidance covering: the librarian's role in IR implementation; planning, budgeting, and staffing; commercial and open source platforms; policy-writing; marketing techniques; collection development and expansion; and, use and assessment. An experienced IR coordinator himself, Nabe also includes real-life examples of IR development from respected academic libraries including Cornell University, Colorado State University, and Macalester College. Each one offers expert advice and best practices that you can replicate in your own project. Whether you are an IR newcomer looking for help at every step of the way, or an experienced coordinator seeking to expand the size and use of your existing IR, this truly unique resource will be an invaluable addition to your professional collection.

    I recommend this book for libraries specializing in archives, and archives specializing in libraries. Library schools must have a copy of this 'how to do guide.'

    On the same shelf:
  • Corporate DNA --a comment on the book: Using Organizational Memory to Improve Poor Decision-making, by Arnold Kransdorff
  • Capture, store, and share information - Sounds old rhyme, right?
  • Will tomorrow's libraries become more like museums of today -- A question for the coming decade
  • Tuesday, March 23, 2010

    Google: Location a "Hugely Important" Signal

    If Location's Not a Big Part of Your Strategy, It Will Be, Tuesday, March 23, 2010, By Chris Crum @ WebProNews

    So what next?
    I compared the ads that reflect a waterfall (one in North America, another in India)
    See Google ads here [not so much matching], but here it is glaring. So also with Yahoo and then the MSN's Bing.

    Thursday, March 04, 2010

    BI shouldn’t look like BI on smart phones

    By:  Kathleen Lau On: 03 Mar 2010 For: ComputerWorld Canada Creator

    During the Toronto stop of a Canadian road show to unveil release 2 of business intelligence tool MicroStrategy version 9, one exec explained why classic BI is no good for smart phones. Customers Hudson’s Bay and St. Elizabeth Healthcare share experiences with the software.

    “Most applications that project to mobile phones are nothing more than business intelligence pre-packaged,” said Mark LaRow, senior vice-president of products with the McLean, Virginia-based BI software vendor.
    Classic BI reports like grids and graph reports don’t work for the smart phone’s form factor and, if anything, said LaRow, such reports shouldn’t look like BI when viewed on a smart phone.continue reading

    Monday, February 15, 2010

    Knowledge Management Explained in Five Disciplines

    By Tim Wieringa @ Green Chameleon.
    Here is a suggestion to split Knowledge Management into five disciplines.
    One: Information Management & Search
    * knowledge libraries in large corporations that allow global access to documents across departments and subsidiaries
    * social bookmarking tools that classify websites and allow other users to share them
    * search engines that are indexing vast collection of documents and websites
    Two: Collaboration
    * contact relationship management (CRM) tools that efficiently share and store relevant information to customers, suppliers, and business partners
    * corporate wiki tools that allow the capturing of experts’ knowledge and allow collaboratively develop this knowledge
    * project management tools that allow disperse teams to share information, have discussions, and manage tasks & deadlines
    Three: Workflow Definitions
    * the right design of a costumer complaints process can ensure that the sales departments receives more information about the customers and the research & development department gathers important input on how to improve the products
    * project management methodologies can include processes to capture project reports which are automatically shared in a knowledge library
    Four: Networking
    * social networking platforms allow to publish a personal profile, exchange thoughts, and keep in touch with colleagues and friends
    * in online discussion forums questions are answered by a broad community; the answers are then available for the entire community for future reference
    Five: Training & Learning
    * corporate induction seminars gathers all newcomers in a company at one time and provide them an introduction at the same time; this could also be done with e-learning tools
    * professionals in a specific field of interest gather regularly in conferences to exchange their latest findings and discuss about it
    * training programs for ‘Efficient Meetings’ (just as an example) can be conducted in two parts: a) a brief introduction to the latest findings for this topic, b) a discussion among the participants on how these findings could be applied in their environment. Continue reading: KM in Five Disciplines

    Saturday, January 30, 2010

    What I learnt about Communities of Practices - a conversation

    By Abdul Jaleel Tharayil Venue: Indian Institute Of Science - Bangalore Date: Jan, 2008 ...

    About the speaker: Mr. Abdul Jaleel Tharayil is working as Senior Manager - knowledge
    Management, MindTree Consulting Ltd, Bangalore. [Source taken from Session invitation]

    Tuesday, January 05, 2010

    SLA Name Will Stay

    This continuation of the name coincides with the centenary of the Association:
    SLA at 100: From Putting Knowledge To Work To Building The Knowledge Culture (2009) (A Centennial History of SLA (Special Libraries Association), 1909-2009)by Guy St. Clair

    SLA Name Will Stay:
    "Voting in record numbers, SLA members failed to approve a proposal to change the organization’s name to the Association for Strategic Knowledge Professionals.  50 percent of those members eligible to vote participated in the referendum, with 2071 voting yes and 3225 voting no.
    “The active discussions, online and in local meetings, are a testament to the passion and commitment that knowledge and information professionals feel towards their association and their profession,” said Gloria Zamora, SLA 2009 President. “This level of engagement will help make SLA and its members more effective advocates for the information profession in the years ahead.” continue reading: SLA Name Will Stay

    On the same shelf:
  • Joe to Joe's feed, LSW + more at Friendfeed
  • SLA Name Change - Alignment Initiatives - SLA's Wiki Spaces
  • SLA Name Change: Can the Name Convey the Value?
  • Another graduate school serving the library field is about to lose the “L” name
  • Labels

    Best Practices (76) Knowledge Management (56) Communities of Practice (50) Information Management (47) Business Intelligence (35) Competitive Intelligence (33) Knowledge Organization (28) Communication (24) Librarians (16) Professional development (15) Library (14) Semantic Web (13) Wiki (11) Education (10) Search Engines (8) Special Library Association (8) knowledge work (8) Google (7) Best Practices; Laws (6) Project Management (6) Tacit (6) blogging (6) career (6) Design (5) Digital Libraries (5) Marketing (5) Oral (5) Internet (4) Leaders (4) Classification (3) Content Management (3) Epistemology (3) Facebook (3) Information Industry (3) Reference (3) Share (3) Society (3) Spirituality (3) Technology (3) Web Analytics (3) Business--Religious aspects (2) Capture (2) Citation Analysis (2) Collection Development (2) Cyber_Worship_Inside (2) Data mining (2) Media monitoring (2) Netizens (2) Religion online (2) Research (2) Resource of the Week (2) Serial Subscription (2) SharePoint (2) Social Networking (2) Social Sciences (2) Visual Search (2) promotion (2) searching (2) Academic Libraries (1) Blog Reviews (1) Cloud (1) Collective Intelligence (1) Copyright (1) CyberWorship (1) Disseminate (1) FAQ (1) Fraud research (1) History (1) Knowledge Centres (1) Knowledge Maps (1) Library Vendors (1) Mapping (1) Online Religion (1) Questions (1) Retrieve (1) Scanner (1) Site vistors (1) Slide show (1) Stock investing (1) Stocks (1) Store (1) Terminology (1) Tools (1) User experience librarian (1) Website visits (1) customer privacy (1) information literacy (1) jobs (1) keywords (1) library resources (1) metadata (1) optical character recognition (OCR) (1) paid content (1) privacy (1) records management (1) web history (1) · Semantics (1)
