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Thursday, December 23, 2021

Information Management as a Care and Caring Profession: Theory and Practice: A webliography


Informational Care or psychosocial resilience, is dealt in a book on Digital Witness.   But, a direct quote is as follows:

Alexa Koenig discusses the history of open source investigations for legal practice. ... the pragmatic considerations underlying open source investigations to issues of ethics and security, whether physical, digital, or psychosocial.  [Dubberley, S., Koenig, A., & Murray, D. (Eds.). (2020). Digital witness: Using open source information for human rights investigation, documentation, and accountability. Oxford University Press, US., p. 11]

Taher, M. (2021). Mapping Canadian Multifaith Spiritual & Religious Care (SRC) Articles, 2009- 2018, In: Taher, Mohamed, (ed.) Multifaith perspectives in spiritual & religious care: change, challenge and transformation. Toronto, Canada: Canadian Multifaith Federation. pp. 83-98

A Reflection for assessing LAM’s social and cultural empathy empower the marginalized as superpowers for co-creation  (reference: MICHAEL MCQUEEN Cites  - - Dr Martin Luther King Jr - -  for 3 CRITICAL KEYS TO COMBATTING THE ‘INFODEMIC,’

Narrowing digital divide in the community and the place of LAM as a Caring Profession (Lessons Learned: Meijer, A., & Webster, C. W. R. (2020). The COVID-19-crisis and the information polity: An overview of responses and discussions in twenty-one countries from six continents. Information Polity,, 1-32.),

Miller, F., & Wallis, J. (2011). Social interaction and the role of empathy in information and knowledge management: A literature review. Journal of Education for Library and Information Science, 122-132.

A focus on empathy is relevant for information professionals practicing in libraries and other organizational contexts,"

Boon, B. (2008). The professional development of small community librarians in Texas: a qualitative study of the female experience. Emerald Group Publishing Limited.

"Librarianship often is thought of as a caring profession that relies on human contact and interaction. The role of caring in librarianship is even more evident in small communities where …"

Brown, L. (2020). Recalibrating Librarians’ Service Ethic in the COVID-19 Pandemic. Qualitative and Quantitative Methods in Libraries, 95-106.

Barnes, M., Henwood, F., & Smith, N. (2016). Information and care: A relational approach. Dementia, 15(4), 510-525.

McKenzie, P., & Dalmer, N. (2016, November). Creating communities of care: delineating work in the information-care relationship. In Proceedings of the Annual Conference of CAIS/Actes du congrès annuel de l'ACSI.

Gorman, M. (1990). A bogus and dismal science or the eggplant that ate library schools. American Libraries, 21, 462–463.

Harris, R. (2000). Squeezing librarians out of the middle. In Women, Work and Computerization (pp. 250-259). Springer, Boston, MA.

"The undervaluing of women and women's work of care in librarianship occurs concomitantly, and in conjunction with technological change." 

Abstract:  The labour process in North America’s libraries is greatly affected by technological change and the libraries’ predominantly female workforce is particularly vulnerable to displacement and deskilling. Interviews with employees of major public and academic library systems in the United States and Canada suggest that library workers, especially women, feel little control over decision-making involving the introduction, integration and use of new technologies. Themes of futility and frustration in their descriptions of the work environment suggest that women are often marginalized in the social relations of technological change in libraries. Squeezing Librarians Out of the Middle | SpringerLink

Bodaghi, N. B., Cheong, L. S., & Zainab, A. N. (2016). Librarians empathy: visually impaired students' experiences towards inclusion and sense of belonging in an academic library. The Journal of Academic Librarianship42(1), 87-96.

Palashevska, M. (2021). Bibliotherapy or Books on Prescription: Libraries, more important than ever!. Библиотекар-часопис за теорију и праксу библиотекарства63(2), 23-34.

Adkins, D., & Hussey, L. (2005). Unintentional recruiting for diversity.  [link ]

"To get future students of color to care about librarianship, our research suggests that librarians should provide a base of support that emphasizes respect and service. Librarians should be visible as service agents within the community."

Abreu, A. (2017). What collaboration means to me: Collaboration and care. Collaborative Librarianship9(1), 3. What Collaboration Means to Me: Collaboration and Care (

"For librarians, our professional ethics are steeped in care. According to the ALA Code of Ethics, we are to provide the “highest level of service to all library users,” to enact “equitable service policies” and provide access to resources in an “accurate, unbiased, and courteous” manner. ... Informational care is applying knowledge or best practices for the benefit of the intended care recipient: this can be cooking a meal for a friend with diabetes, or adapting an environment to accommodate different abilities such as making sure adaptive technology is readily available, information instructional sessions meet a variety of learning styles, and/or resources meet basic ADA requirements. "

Ettarh, Fobazi. “Vocational Awe and Librarianship: The Lies We Tell Ourselves.” In the Library with the Lead Pipe, January 10, 2018.

Rosen, S. S. (2021). Caring Work: Reflections on Care and Librarianship. Library Juice Press. [link]

 Moeller, Christine M. “Disability, Identity, and Professionalism: Precarity in Librarianship.” Library Trends 67, no. 3 (May 8, 2019): 455–70. 

Oud, Joanne. “Systemic Workplace Barriers for Academic Librarians with Disabilities.” College & Research Libraries 80, no. 2 (March 2019): 169–94. 

Piepzna-Samarasinha, Leah Lakshmi. Care Work : Dreaming Disability Justice. Vancouver: Arsenal Pulp Press, 2018. 

Olson, D., Meyerson, J., Parsons, M. A., Castro, J., Lassere, M., Wright, D. J., ... & Dillo, I. (2019). Information Maintenance as a Practice of Care.  

An invitation to participate in a broad ranging discussion that infuses information maintenance with practices, relationships, and ways of thinking and being that represent a coherent ethic of care. [pdf]

 "Talking about care or psychosocial resilience in open source investigations can be met with resistance. Alexa Koenig, the Executive Director of the Human Rights Center at the University of Berkeley, California, for example, counters this in resiliency and professional trainings through including care within a holistic security framework. “I explain that security in open source activities is tripartite—physical, digital and psychosocial”, writes Alexa, “and that they are like overlapping Venn diagrams. When one is affected, the other two usually are as well” (A Koenig 2019, personal communication, 29 December)." Dyer, S., & Ivens, G. (2020). What would a feminist open source investigation look like?. Digital War, 1(1), 5-17.

Angell, K. (2011). Applications of Edith Stein's empathy theory to Library Science. Library and Information Research35(110), 16-28.

Martin, A., N. Myers, and A. Viseu. 2015. The Politics of Care in Technoscience. Social Studies of Science 45 (5): 625–641.

de la Bellacasa, M.P. 2011. Matters of Care in Technoscience: Assembling Neglected Things. Social Studies of Science 41 (1): 85–106.

Doucette, W. C., & Tolley, R. L. (2017). Using Civility in the Form of Mindful Speech and Action to Cultivate Empathy Among Library Employees. In Emotion in the Library Workplace. Emerald Publishing Limited.

Weinberger, Y. (2017). The Role of Empathy in Dealing with the Complexity and Uncertainty within the Educational Field: Meaningful Learning at the “Museum Adventure” Course. Empathy: An Evidence-based Interdisciplinary Perspective, 129.

Pionke, J. J., & Graham, R. (2021). A Multidisciplinary Scoping Review of Literature Focused on Compassion, Empathy, Emotional Intelligence, or Mindfulness Behaviors and Working with the Public. Journal of Library Administration61(2), 147-184.

Phillips, A. L. (2016). The empathetic librarian: Rural librarians as a source of support for rural cyberbullied young adults (Doctoral dissertation, The Florida State University).

Wang, X., Lu, J., Ow, T. T., Feng, Y., & Liu, L. (2021). Understanding the emotional and informational influence on customer knowledge contribution through quantitative content analysis. Information & Management58(2), 103426.

Pionke, J. J., & Graham, R. (2021). A Multidisciplinary Scoping Review of Literature Focused on Compassion, Empathy, Emotional Intelligence, or Mindfulness Behaviors and Working with the Public. Journal of Library Administration61(2), 147-184.

Hildreth, S., Tench, B., & Bierbaum, H. (2018). Co-creating MLIS Curriculum for Cultural Competence and Community-Driven Learning: Making Progress for the Future of Libraries.

Mabee, S. H., & Fancher, S. E. (2020). Curiosity is a luxury of the financially secure: The affective thresholds of information literacy. Library Trends68(3), 482-505.

Winberry, J., & Bishop, B. W. (2021). Documenting social justice in library and information science research: a literature review. Journal of Documentation. [link]

Copeland, C. A., & Thompson, K. M. Creating Accessible Learning Environments and Informing Social Justice through Inclusive Course Design. In Social Justice Design and Implementation in Library and Information Science (pp. 190-201). Routledge.

Phillips, A. (2017). Understanding Empathetic Services: The Role of Empathy in Everyday Library Work. Journal of Research on Libraries & Young Adults, 8(1), 1–27. 

Gorichanaz, T. J. (2018). Understanding self-documentation. Drexel University. [link]

Hobrock, B. G. (1997). A manager's viewpoint: Opportunities for radical paradigm shifts. Journal of library administration, 23(1-2), 167-187.

Fancher, S. E., & Mabee, S. H. (2022). Fish, Not Fishing Lessons: A Pragmatic Reprioritization of Reference Services. portal: Libraries and the Academy22(1), 221-226.      [link]

"Because there is no expectation that students already know how to navigate the library, the service enables them to avoid feeling inept or ill-prepared for college-level research."

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