Librarians are the ultimate knowledge managers?
Cathie Koina, Manuscript received July 2002

Librarians are the ultimate knowledge managers. We all know that. After all, haven't we been the custodians of documented knowledge for centuries? Who could possibly do it better than us? Well, then why aren't people knocking down our doors, begging us to be the knowledge managers of the organisation? Are they just ignorant of how fantastic we are, or is it possible that librarians aren't the best people for the job? Most of the academic articles that deal with Knowledge Management (KM) in some way always start by trying to define it. This is because there is no standard or stable definition. I believe this is one of the issues causing confusion...Bibliography
Bishop, Karen 'Leveraging our knowledge: the skills and attributes information service professionals bring to new roles in information and knowledge management'. ALIA 9th Specials, Health and Law Libraries Conference. Available online: Bonner, Dede 'Enter the Chief Knowledge Officer.' Training and Development, Feb 2000, pp 36-40. Broadbent, Marianne The phenomenon of knowledge management: what does it mean to the information profession? 1998. Available online: Butler, Yvonne 'Knowledge management - if only you knew what you knew'. STRAIT to the future ALIA 8th Asia-Pacific Specials, Health and Law Librarians Conference. Available online: Church, Doug. 'From librarian to knowledge manager and beyond: the shift to an end-user domain'. Available online: Houghton, Jan, Barbara Poston-Anderson, and Ross Todd 'From obsession to power: changing the face of librarians'. Pathways to Knowledge, Australian Library and Information Association 5th Biennial Conference and Exhibition, 25-28 October 1998, Adelaide Convention Centre, Adelaide, South Australia. 313-318. Marconi, J 'Outside the square: library and information services innovations within a knowledge management context'. ALIA 9th Specials, Health and Law Libraries Conference. Available online: Milne, Patricia 'Information professionals and the knowledge-aware, intelligent organisation: skills for the future.' Australian Library Journal 49 (2), May 2000 139-150. Skills for knowledge management a briefing paper by TFPL Ltd based on research undertaken on behalf of the [UK] Library and Information Commission. 1999. Available online: Todd, Ross and Gray Southon, 'Educating for a knowledge management future: perceptions of library and information professionals.' Australian Library Journal, 50 (4) Nov 2001 313-326.
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Nice observation, thanks.
When you said, "Most of the academic articles that deal with Knowledge Management (KM) in some way always start...," I thought of the meaning of knowledge management. By reason of, the meaning defines the nature of knowledge management. Think the meaning resolves the confusion.
To know more about meaning, you may visit my blog at:
Looking forward to hearing your kind comments.
Kind regards,
Thanks John and Danilo for your visit and comments.
Danilo: pl note this article is not from my pen (nor I said what you thot). It is by Cathie Koina, and the all ideas expressed in that article are her.
Best, MT
Thank you for kind observation.
I understand. And 'm sorry for the mistake. I failed to notice her name.
Kind regards,
CjaWk8 The best blog you have!
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