By Meredith Farkas October 24, 2007
Here were some of the tools I looked at that seemed at least remotely feasible for me to take on:
Research Guide - From the University of Michigan. Wayne State also uses it. Looks good. Was updated in 2006. Was just concerned about how to set up the authentication stuff.
LibData - from the University of Minnesota. Hasn’t been updated since 2003 or 2004. library is not using it anymore. (update: looks like they are still using it; not sure where I got the idea that they weren’t)
Pirate Source - This one was developed at Eastern Carolina University, but is used at a bunch of libraries. The install script didn’t work so I had to create the tables and SQL queries manually. Had trouble trying to get it to work with PHP5. Not sure I like the initial page since people are inundated with choices and it may confuse some.
Subjects Plus - my personal fave. This is an enhancement of Pirate Source developed by Ithaca College. It’s great-looking though it takes up a lot of screen real estate. In the sidebar you can put info about the liaison, links to tutorials, call numbers and syndicated news feeds. I love the “Try these First” feature since students usually just want to know what the very best resources are. I still don’t love the initial page where they choose the guide and then have the option to select the types of resources they are looking for. It’s good to give people options, but sometimes less is more, I think. continue reading the full post
PS. Thanks to Calvin Truong, ( who informed me that Librarians as Knowledge Managers is listed by Meredith Farkas in her Favorite blogs - List and Commentary. See also: The Top 10 in making in her list.
Friday, October 26, 2007
The long road towards subject guide 2.0
Saturday, October 20, 2007
Everything Is Miscellaneous: The Power of the New Digital Disorder
"Human beings are information omnivores: we are constantly collecting, labeling, and organizing data. But today, the shift from the physical to the digital is mixing, burning, and ripping our lives apart. In the past, everything had its one place--the physical world demanded it--but now everything has its places: multiple categories, multiple shelves. Simply put, everything is suddenly miscellaneous."
"In Everything Is Miscellaneous, David Weinberger charts the new principles of digital order that are remaking business, education, politics, science, and culture. In his rollicking tour of the rise of the miscellaneous, he examines why the Dewey decimal system is stretched to the breaking point, how Rand McNally decides what information not to include in a physical map (and why Google Earth is winning that battle), how Staples stores emulate online shopping to increase sales, why your children's teachers will stop having them memorize facts, and how the shift to digital music stands..." continue reading
Sunday, October 14, 2007
The 18 commandments of Knowledge-conscious managers
"I like the idea that Knowledge Management is really about Knowledge Conscious Management, or to put it differently, Managing in the Knowledge Age as Professor Klaus North puts it. Incidentally, this explains why it is so difficult to introduce in 20th century organizations, which do not recognize mastery of knowledge flows as a source of competitive advantage.
The HR department of my company asked me to write a short memo and call it "the ten commandments of knowledge management". I thought it was a good idea -KM is a faith with its manifesto (e.g Cluetrain)-, but couldn't find enough time to reduce everything to ten commandments, and I have eighteen!
Let me know your thoughts...
1. Don't always challenge. Welcome one another's thoughts and opinions.
Rehabiliate casual conversations and information sharing as a normal business practice that should take at least half of your time. Don't expect to learn a lot just by challenging your staff.2. Experiment constantly. Enlightened trial and error outperforms the planning of flawless intellects
You can, and must, plan ahead to know where you want to go, but then put the plan aside and focus on the first steps. Regularly stop to reflect on the action and repeat the process. click here to continue reading all the Eighteen Commandments ...
Thursday, October 11, 2007
The roles of knowledge professionals for Knowledge Management
65th IFLA Council and General
Bangkok, Thailand,
August 20 - August 28, 1999
Code Number: 042-115-E
Division Number: VII
Professional Group: Education and Training
Joint Meeting with: -
Meeting Number: 115
Simultaneous Interpretation: Yes
The roles of knowledge professionals for Knowledge Management
Seonghee KimFaculty of Library and Information Science
Dongduk Women's University
Knowledge and Knowledge Management have emerged as a current 'hot issue' for many organizations. This paper starts by exploring the definition of knowledge and knowledge management. It then considers the partnership for knowledge management, and especially how librarians as knowledge professionals, users, and technology experts can contribute to effective knowledge management. It is concluded that knowledge professionals will have to move from the background to the center of the organizational stage, to jointly hold the reins of knowledge management. Read the Full articleMonday, October 08, 2007
On librarians as knowledge managers
"I had a fruitful discussion a short while ago about librarians and web 2.0, and research and knowledge management. In the same vein, a recent post from Dave Pollard with a link to his presentation on “librarians as knowledge managers” posits some interesting thoughts. Pollard presented at the recent Special Libraries Association conference in Denver, Colorade, USA. In the presentation slides, Pollard recognised the skill of the librarian to acquire, add value, store and disseminate information. He then asked whether librarians were any good at connecting, synthesising and applying their knowledge to the information they had researched..." continue reading
see also:
- Sharon E. Herbert, Librarians: best knowledge managers for our new world: From the b.eye Business Information Network, Dr. Ramon C. Barquin has an informative article about the role that modern librarians can play in the brave new information world.
- Sheila Pantry, and Peter Griffiths, Librarians or Knowledge Managers? What’s in a Name, or is there a Real Difference? Business Information Review, Vol. 20, No. 2, 102-109 (2003)
- Priti Jain, An empirical study of knowledge management in academic libraries in East and Southern Africa, Library Review, 2007, 56: 5, pp. 377 - 392
- [ppt] Dave Pollard, Librarians as Knowledge Managers: The View from the Executive Suite SLA Annual Conference, June 6, 2007
- Cathie Koina, Librarians are the ultimate knowledge managers?
The Australian Library Journal, Manuscript received July 2002 - [pdf] D. Gayatri, Opportunities for Librarians/Information Managers in managing explicit knowledge in the internet era
- Working Woman Prediction: Knowledge Managers Rise, Librarians Fall, Staff -- Library Journal, 2/12/1999
- Librarians as Knowledge Managers, Literature Survey - Trends and Prospects
Saturday, October 06, 2007
Relationship of KM with other functions in an organization

Interesting insights on holistic approach to knowledge management, as well an integrated perspective that is within the framework of an organizational culture, is presented by Sujatha Das @ Learning & Knowledge Center
Monday, October 01, 2007
Knowledge Audit: Is it Necessary for Your Organization?
KnowGenesis is a freely available, international, scholarly journal, dedicated to making accessible the results of research across a wide range of information-related disciplines under Technical Communication. KnowGenesis publishes both referred papers and working papers in the fields of technical communication, documentation, information science, information and technology management, information systems and information policy.
Read the
Panel Discussion on " Knowledge Audit: Is it Necessary for Your Organization?" Led by Ginu George
PS. To access the journal online, you'll need your login ID and password.
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NB. Panelists: Prof. A. Neelameghan, Dr. L. J. Haravu, Mr. Bhojaraju D Gunjal, Mr. Ginu George, and Dr. Mohamed Taher
See also:
If We Can’t Even Describe Knowledge Sharing, How Can We Support It?